Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | reckoner | sky OCR: wh ere the grassla .nds of the Delta meet the Moremi wood lands then f1y into the heart of the Delta for makoro safari ir one of our private concessior areas Beca use of our scaled- down carmps, this safari is more "par- ticipatory" than any of our other safaris We'll have cOOk along but trip members will erect and take down their own tents and assist with loading the venicles Ve ehides have deep freezers on board, ensuring fresh meat and coo1 drinks throughout and trailer containing equip ment and other food is towed mak: ing our safari group com pletely self -contained our itinerary remains flexible 50 We may follow the seasonal move ement of Botswana's game in as remote areas as possible We inciud the Deception Pans portion of the Kalahari on the February and April departures ding iood ...